Monday, September 14, 2009

Inuit Sivuniksangat

Lately I've been thinking about how we live our lives here in the north. Everything intreigues me, especially as I look out to see on the land and realize, our anscestors survived up here! It always amazes me how they did that too...
There is a song that I'm always thinking about. It's called Inuit Sivuniksangat, the future of Inuit. I learned this song while attending Nunavut Sivuniksavut in Ottawa. It is a song for the young people.

Inuit Sivuniksangat
The future of Inuit
Makkuktuvunga, Upimmavunga
I am young, I am proud
Nunagijavut, Kajjaanaqtualuk!
Our land is very beautiful!
Sannginiqarmat Inuusirijaulauqtut
There is strength in our past

Ajaaja, Ajaaja    x5

Nunavut Sivuniksavut
The future of our land
Makkuktuvugut, Upimmavugut
We are young, We are proud
Inuusiqtinni Sannginiqaqpugut
There is strength in who we are
Puiguqtailita, Atausiuqatigiigatta
Let us not forget, that we one


This song speaks about the strength of our past, the relization that we are here right now, and it celebrates the future. We have a lot to look forward to in our short future coming, but there is also a lot of work to be done. We have to learn everything we can about our past, and move forward into the future as happy, able people. We can do anything we put our minds to. Awe, how exciting!

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