Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dreams - the kind you have while you're asleep!

Ever have a dream, while you're asleep, and wonder what it means?

I find it extremely interesting...
There's a blogger that tries to interpret dreams, and I link her blog below...

But in my own personal experiences - I try to figure it out myself, first.
Every time I'm looking after my niece and nephews, or any children, I always them whether or not they had a dream. Usually while we eat breakfast, or just as I wake them.
Children's dreams are especially interesting.

One time, my niece said she dreampt that she was chasing a siksik (ground squirrel) and trying to hit it with a rock. The day before, we had gone berry picking and she was trying to follow her brothers while they went "siksik-siuq" - looking for siksiks. I told her to stay close by because she was so young and litto, and I was afraid that she would be left behind by her older brothers, or fall and hurt herself. We went for a walk and picked up cool flowers instead.
But it was interesting when she told me her dream, because I guess she really wanted to go with her brothers. Her oldest brother asked "did you catch a siksik?" and she said "YEA!" with a huge smile and expression on her face.
I loved it!

Good dreams are awesome, and can be so funny. Others are wierd...but nightmares are the worst!
I always get nightmares after watching a freaky movie...wondering what I saw in the movies can really come true! haha...hense, the title of this blog.
Even after watching "Twilight" I had a dream several weeks later, about vampires in Rankin! ew, I really don't like watching freaky movies. I can'

I've also had dreams a couple of nights before leaving on an International trip.
Like, a couple days before I was supposed to leave for my 2nd phase experience with NYAP...I dreamt that I missed the plane and didn't get to go. I dreampt that I got stuck in Africa, and wasn't being taken care of well. I was so worried about this new experience, these dreams discouraged me to want to go.
I asked my mom the night before I left, if I can just stay at home for the summer, instead of travelling half way around the world! I was so scared...
My mom told me to go on the flight. I disagreed and told her that I wasn't packing...but she packed with me and told me that it was going to be a life changing experience...and it certainly was!
Sometimes I look back at pictures and say to myself "did I really go there? Did that really happen? or was it all just a dream?"

Anyway, dreams are quite interesting.
I found a blogger through the "Google Blog Search" who interprets dreams.
Feel free to check it out!
Analyse Dreams

Taimaqai...for now.

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